

From time to time Holly records Podcasts with her daddy, sometimes she even does live radio shows with either or both of her parents.  Click below to listen to some of Hollys' Podcasts.


holly21112020Holly and Steven (Talking about stuff November 21st, 2020)

Holly and Steven recorded a podcast on Saturday afternoon, November 21st, 2020. They talked about school, healthy eating, people who tell lies to children to get them to buy stuff.
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Running time: 31 minutes



holly daddy smallHolly talks about "Terrible time without Tilly" - Book Review

Holly and Steven had a quick chat on Monday evening, November 25th, 2019 about the book that Holly just finished reading and thoroughly enjoyed.  The book was called "The Terrible Time Without Tilly" written by Hilary McKay.  Hear Holly's thoughts on the book and why she enjoyed it so much.

Running time: 19 minutes

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